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Contents # 4-2014


Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS): there are prospects!

Breeding masterpieces New hybrids of “Gavrish” company

Our seeds – for any customer «Field Day» in Krymsk Breeding Center

Greenhouse vegetable growing in Uzbekistan

«It is realistic to compete with import of vegetables!». Interview with A. M. Zhivaev, director of State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Mordovia «Teplichnoe» (GUP RM «Teplichnoe»)

Russia: where to build greenhouses complexes

Hybrids Gavrish – the guarantee of high yields bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids in state owned farm «Alekseevskiy»

Vaccination – is an effective way of plant protecting against cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV)

10 steps to the targeted pH.  Structurial abstract

Conference «Anapa – 2014»

18th International conference Eucarpia Meeting on genetics and tomato breeding

Fertigation in greenhouses and fertilizers for hydroponics